Where It’s Art: Strange Sculptures (Part 1/3)


It seems like everyone today wants to get on the eco-friendly, save-the-world, stop-killing-our-planet bandwagon.  As someone who loves nature and believes that we should respect it, I have no problem with this.  Some artists have decided to support the cause (intentionally or not) through the use of recycled materials to create their masterpieces.
 Now, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of laundry is likely not art, and I think that it makes more sense to have leftover clothing fibres remind you of destruction, not construction.  But, lint scultures are just that. Construction from deconstruction.  Check it out.



  1. Whoa. That, is pretty cool.

    But the fact that these are basically huge lumps of lint kind of gives me a weird feeling. Not too sure how to describe that. Maybe I'm not a huge lint fan…

    But the food is so amazingly lifelike…

    Cheers. : )

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