Do you ever just feel down somedays? Like you’re not necessarily sad, but not really happy either? Well, if you have, you definitely aren’t alone. I’ve felt this way before and I figured out ways to cure the sadness!
When you feel sort of empty inside, I feel as though drinking tea always helps. It might just be in my head, but drinking tea is so relaxing. The warmth and the smell soothe and calm me. I guess eating makes you feel better too, but that can get dangerous. I love eating, but make sure not to overeat. Eating your feelings can be unhealthy and may cause issues in your health.
Music always helps. No matter where I am, I always have an earbud in my ear. I find that music distracts you and fills your head with rhythm and melodies for you to sing along too. No matter what the situation, there is always a song that you can relate to. In a lot of ways, music makes you feel less alone. Music can lift your mood too, when you listen to happy music that makes you want to dance, you forget what you were even sad about!
Do something productive! Do homework and finish it early, maybe practice an instrument, go outside and exercise. Whatever it is, doing something to distract you will give you something to think about, or a way to clear you head. When I’m feeling down, I like to go on a run or stretch. It clears my head and, at the same time, helps me think more clearly.
Read! Reading is my addiction, I love reading because, even for a little while, you can escape this world and enter another. My world will fill with colour and I become part of the book. I probably read too much, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It gives me the opportunity to escape the real world for a while. This, in itself, is dangerous, because I get so caught up in my books that I forget I even live in the real world, but that’s okay every once and a while.
I think the possibilities are endless. I think anything that can distract you is a cure to temporary sadness!
I really hope this helps you when you are feeling down. Have a wonderful life. 🙂
Nice article on trying to counter sadness, Jordan! I agree with all your tips and I’d just like to add, one thing you can also do to brighten up your day is to do a random act of kindness to the people around you! For instance, you can buy your friend ice cream or send a thank you note to a person who has helped you in the past few days! Doing something good to others and making them happy usually also leads to making you yourself happy!
-David Ongchoco
And yeah that is a really good idea! You should write an article about that!
JOORDDAANNN Good post! Sorry I haven’t commented on it sooner, I’ve been locked in my room watching every episode of Freaks and Geeks for the past week. Welcome too YAA!
Haha thanks Audrey, Freaks and Geeks is a great show. (I mentioned it in my new article *wink*). Too bad there was only like 1 season
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