What to bake for your Valentine


It’s the time of year again when you celebrate with your loved ones; whether your boyfriend/girlfriend, or immediate family. Many people take this opportunity to show their love and appreciation by baking something nice and sharing it with the people around them. So… what should you bake? Here are some ideas:

Hidden Heart cake:

Want to surprise your family? Make this lovely bake that holds a sweet surprise. Watch the look on their faces then the cut the cake open to find something they’ll love. It might take some time, but it will definitely be worth it in the end.




Love Bug Biscuits:

These simple treats will get everyone to like you even more! Bring them to school and share them with your friends or have them as snacks to enjoy your love for even longer. This one will only take 45 minutes!




Red Velvet Oreos:

Love Oreos? Love Red Velvet?  Bake Red Velvet Oreo cookies this Valentine! They’re perfect for this occasion because of their color and Oreos are perfect for any occasion. This recipe will bring your baking to a whole new level. Enjoy!




Red Velvet Cinnamon Nutella Roll Hearts:

Now this just takes it to a whole new level. Red Velvet. Cinnamon. Nutella. And rolls. Wow, as if Red Velvet and Oreos weren’t enough. But sorry if you’re allergic to nuts, I just really love them. Oh, and remember that if anyone you’re giving these treats to are allergic, don’t give them any. They won’t like you if you’re the reason they’re in the hospital.




Cream Filled Chocolate-Heart Shaped Cookies:

These mini-cakes are sure to make an impression. Personally I love eating cream, and the chocolate just makes it so much better. So, if you’ve read this far and endured all my blabbering, I’m guessing you and I have something in common; so you’ll definitely love this one!




Enjoy your Valentine’s Day with these wonderful treats!