What is MBTI?


MBTI is also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test and it shows your personality with 16 types. 16 types of personalities are indicated by 4 groups of each 2 letters. The first group shows if you are introverted or extroverted. Next, the second group is sensing or INtuition, thinking or feeling, and lastly judging or perceiving. One letter from each group makes a four-letter word. For example, “ESTJ” or “INFP”.


Here are brief explanations of each 16 MBTI personality types. 


ISTJ (Introversion Sensing Thinking Perceiving)





-Trustworthy with sound practical judgment


ISFJ (Introversion Sensing Feeling Judging)

-Warm, considerate



-Enjoys being helpful to others


INFJ (Introversion INtution Feeling Judging)




-Seek harmony and cooperation


INTJ (Introversion INtution Thinking Judging)




-Driven by their own ideas to achieve improvements


ISTP (Introversion Sensing Thinking Perceiving)




-Enjoys adventure


ISFP (Introversion Sensing Feeling Perceiving)




-Seeks to create a personal environment


INFP (Introversion INution Feeling Perceiving)



-Values inner harmony and personal growth


-Focuses on dreams and possibilities


INTP (Introversion INution Thinking Perceiving)




-Enjoys speculation and creative problem solving


ESTP (Extraversion Sensing Thinking Perceiving)

– Outgoing

– Realistic

– Action-Oriented

– Programic problem solver and skillful negotiator


ESFP (Extraversion Sensing Feeling Perceiving)

– Playful



-Enjoys helping people in tangible ways


ENFP (Extraversion INution Feeling Perceiving)

– Enthusiastic

– Creative

– Optimistic

-Enjoys starting new projects


ENTP (Extraversion INution Thinking Perceiving)




-Enjoys new ideas and challenges, value, inspiration


ESTJ (Extraversion Sensing Thinking Judging)





-Likes to run the show and get things done in an orderly fashion


ESFJ (Extraversion Sensing Feeling Judging)







ENFJ (Extraversion INution Feeling Judging)









ENTJ (Extraversion INution Thinking Judging)





-Effective organizer of people and long-range planner


You can try your MBTI personality test and find more information  here: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

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