What is Calgary doing about idling?


Officially, the city isn’t actually doing much. But with these new Idling Reduction Signs, YOU can do something!

There are currently two signs you can put up (as long as they’re not installed on City right-of-way…I actually have no idea what this means, would anyone like to clarify?).  One of them reads Idle Free Zone, while the other reads Fresh Air Intake.

In addition to just printing those PDF files, you can pick up green plastic versions of these signs from the Traffic Engineering Service Counter at no cost to put up in your community. If the green isn’t your thing, you can also purchase white metal versions instead.

I think this is a great way to raise awareness about our idling issue. Turn your engine off and help stop idling now! 🙂


  1. Heh, I stumbled across that when I looked it up too, but it made absolutely no sense to me.

    Hm, sounds like the city just made a loophole for themselves or something…

  2. The right of way signs. I'm pretty sure they simply mean yield, stop, merge, added lane, traffic lights etc. signs like those. Thus, you can put them on street lights and playground zone etc. That's what i understand from it anyways.

  3. No, that wouldn't make sense in context. I believe it's a legal term refering to a piece of a property and its ownership. I'll see if I can find a clearer definition.

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