What does the future look like to you?


In a recent French project, our class was encouraged to think about what the future would look like. We had to expand on all areas including, society, the environment, the establishments, the government and of course, ourselves.

In this gallery of pictures, we will explore the future of urban environments, technology and aspects of society.

Our cities:

Will our future encompass limited roads and more liberal sky travel? (Source)
Will our future encompass limited roads and more liberal sky travel? (Source)


Check out this impressive design by Siemens for their advanced design in electric vehicles. (source)
Check out this impressive design by Siemens for their advanced design in electric vehicles. (source)
Check out this sleek design by KTN. (source)
Check out this sleek design by KTN. (source)


How close will our relationships be with robots in the home? Photo: Peter Yang (source)
How close will our relationships be with robots in the home? Photo: Peter Yang (source)
A world, where society is solely dependant on technology. (source)
A world, where illnesses like cancer and heart disease is dissolved. (source)



A world of glass. (source)
A world of glass via revolutionaries, such as Corning (source).


Photo courtesy of Gabrielle Lardner.
Photo courtesy of Gabrielle Lardner.

Most importantly where will you be in the future. Youth have the agility and the capability to accomplish things beyond common perception. Where are you going? What will you do? Who will you be?