Welcome to Fort McMoney – Remember to Breathe



An image used on Fort McMoney – Remember to Breath campaign (From Indiegogo)

No, this is not an actual Travel Alberta Campaign. It’s a parody all about the Alberta Oil sands. You probably know, as Albertans, oil is the biggest thing in our economy. Travel Alberta’s real slogan is “Remember to breathe,” but with our tar sands and the pollution it leaves behind, do we really want to breathe all that in?

Andy Cobb and Mike Damanskis are film makers in Los Angeles who are raising money for a documentary about the reality of the tar sands and what is actually happening behind the scene. Do we actually know what’s happening in our backyard? With all the destructive mines growing and expanding every day, how can we protect our environment?  Should the government be promoting Alberta to the world to come see our beautiful environment, while trying to hide the messes rich companies leave behind?  What do you think?

Want to help them or donate or read more?  Click HERE now! (Welcome to Fort McMoney – Remember To Breathe!)

Want to read more about all that mess?

Law Firm Behind Removal of YouTube Tar Sands Satire Fundraiser Tied to Big Oil (Desmog Canada)

Big Oil Just Can’t Take a (Tar Sands) Joke (HUFF POST)

Top 10 Facts About the Alberta Oil Sands (Desmogblog.com)

Video: Toxic Tar Sands (Forest Ethice)


Alberta’s Tar Sands, Before and After (Photo Credit: Garth Lenz)
