Week 1 of… 5 Happy Things!


We all want to be happy, right? But let’s be honest, sometimes life sucks. Sometimes it feels like nothing is working and it’s all so miserably and pointless, etc. Well I want to spread happiness, because guess what? There are SO many reasons to be happy.

I’ll be posting 5 happy things weekly, and it will be through my eyes using (mostly) my images, but I’m hoping you can connect and see happiness for yourself too. Enjoy, and don’t forget to smile 🙂

  1. Acting like a little kid again xsmall 2
  2. Successful (or at least semi-successful) DIYssmall_1062
  3. More whipped cream than pie
  4. Beautiful views (especially after a long hike to get there)
  5. New markers, colourful markers, lots of markers


Now ask yourself: what made YOU happy today?

I keep a jar where I write one good thing from each day. I highly suggest making a similar jar for yourself 🙂