Websites That Make You Go Awww…


So recently, cute quotes have been showing up on my Facebook about stuff that gives people hope. I decided to go check the links out. It was probably the most pleasant surprise I’ve had in a while. It was just  so awwww. This is what it did to me:

(Haha, no. I don’t have blond hair. I just wasn’t thinking when I colored the picture). Anyways, I wanted to hug a child or some cute animal from Bambi.

This website is so good for rainy days, or even just any other day, and it’s also great for cheering people up. You can visit any three of these websites and you’ll either come out happier than before or you’ll die from the cuteness. After you’re done, you’ll want to be a better person. Here they are:

(Like they say: It’s like FML for optimists 😀 )

Here are a few of my  favourites:
“An 84 year old man spends every single day near a cliff called “The Gap.”
He would sit in a chair and watch out for any person who would try and jump and kill themselves.  He would go over to the person and ask if they would to come back to his house for a talk. He has saved over 160 lives. He GMH.”

“I’m the kid nobody hangs out with ‘cuz I’m different.
I went to my locker and there was a pile of notes. The best part was my Ipod that was stolen was returned, autographed by Lady Gaga.  The first song and the only added song was “Born This Way” Thank you Lady Gaga and people @ School.  You GMH.”


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