Websites for Soul-Searching, Killing Time, and What Not.


What’s a better way to procrastinate than to search the internet for addictive and meaningless websites. It’s 2021, we all deserve a break, so here’s me sending a safe and virtual way for you to do so, at the comfort of your own home. In the process of making this blog, I, myself have done a bit of soul searching and procrastinating attempting to filter the top 10. Enjoy the many wonders of the internet!

  1.  Pointer Pointer – You can put your cursor on any part of your screen, and a picture where someone is pointing to it will pop up.
  2. 100,000 Stars – Use your trackpad to explore the many wonders of our galaxy. Hey, at least if you get caught you can say “it’s astronomy.” *NERD ALERT*
  3.  The Wayback Machine – Ever need to reminisce about the 2000s with your Dunkaroos and Avril Lavigne songs? This is the website for you. Copy-paste any website URL and select the month and year you want to see it in. Search up youtube in 2010. Do it. 
  4.  Mondrian and Me – This one is more for you artsy people out there who need inspiration, or perhaps a decent background. Fun to do in class when you’re waiting.
  5. Hacker Typer – You ever wanna feel smart and code something you aren’t actually coding because you have no previous coding knowledge whatsoever? Me too. Click, you’ll catch on. You’re welcome.
  6. Find the Invisible Cow – Move your cursor and listen to the sounds until you get close and closer to the cow. Once you get close to it, click on it, repeat. Works well when you’re under pressure and time constraints.
  7. Sell Me Something Weird or ConfusingExactly what it says. A great alternative to getting someone you don’t like (or do) a birthday present. Use wisely.
  8. Buzzfeed – You know exactly what this is.
  9. Koalas to the Max – Therapeutic. Use before a test. Gives you the 2048 game vibes.
  10. The Passive Aggressive Password Machine- It’s like your mom helping you choose your passwords. Use wisely.
  11. BONUS (the best one): Take Me to Another Useless WebsiteIf you just can’t get enough of these websites. ^^

Happy Surfing!

Yours truly, Ranya

Sources for Images: 1/2