Website Spotlight: GamesRadar

GamesRadar screenshot

I absolutely love reading witty articles about awesome things, don’t you? Well why don’t you head over to GamesRadar and start indulging yourself in some well-written and informative reviews. Or perhaps you like “Top…” lists. GR is an original site (with much more original content than IGN, in my opinion) where people gather in forums, listen to their podcasts or just read some excellent articles.

You know, my favorite thing about GamesRadar is their Top 7 lists. They have a huge collection of articles ranging from most common character cliches to games you don’t want for Christmas and to even the worst scenes in a Uwe Boll movie. They even explain why they chose Top 7 instead of Top 10. It’s like Nostalgia Critic who does Top 11 lists because he likes to “go one step beyond” …except funnier, because it pokes fun at the game reviewers.

There are so many things I can say about this site, but I won’t bore you with the details. Start reading! Because I guarantee that once you start, you’ll never stop (until you realize your homework is due the next day).