Website of the Day: 1000 Awesome Things

Some of the greatness inherent within the site

Hola amigos! In the past week, I was introduced to a simply miraculous website designed to cheer up even the most desolate individual. I present to you 1000 awesome things. Check it out at

I actually stumbled onto this website on my daily strolls down The man with the brains behind the entire operation was inspired to cheer himself up in one of the desolate periods of his life.  He was going through a tough divorce and experienced difficulties with his career. In the depth of his depression, he began to write notes about life that he appreciated. He started with tiny things: having a friend to support you at midnight and the hilarious broccoflower. Seriously, the broccoflower.

Within the modern negativity caused by the sensualizingmedia and the pitfalls associated with the chronic recession, the blog was an instant hit. Hits shot up to tens of thousands then hundreds of thousands and then even millions of visitors. Before long, the website was voted the top blog in the world and the founder, Neil Pasricha, has now wrote a best-selling book called the Book of Awesome.

I guess my point is to check out this website. There are plenty of awesome and great things in this world for all of us to enjoy and appreciate. There is no reason to lament in the past and soak in our regrets. I hate ending on a sentimental note. So I guess I would like to draw your attention to the extremely colourful book covers on the website banner. We should get a banner like that.