Website of the Day: Rainy Mood


Don’t know about you, but I LOVED the showers and mist we got last week. Weather like this rarely occurs in Calgary.

For the days when Calgary is once again dry, for the nights when you feel like listening to rain tapping on your window, try

Beside the simple, relaxing soundtrack of rainfall, the site also features a rainy song each day.
Some of of favourite rain tracks: Taylor Swift – Safe and Sound (and Jason Chen’s cover of it), Mirah – Shells, and Big Bang – Blue.

I find that listening to nature sounds is soothing, and much less distracting than music with words for doing homework. (Unless you become mesmerized with the moving raindrop background…)


  1. Thanks for the recommendation. If you like rainy mood just google for “simply noise”. That website’s just awesome.

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