How to wear a man’s shirt as a dress


The other day I had plans to attend my friend’s birthday party but had absolutely no time to go home or had any change of clothes with me. Instead of going in yoga pants and a t-shirt, I recalled a Youtube video about how to wear a cute dress from a man’s dress shirt. Luckily for me, I had plenty of guy friends who lived in Residence at the University of Calgary. So instead of freaking out, I tried out a few different dress styles. The following are four different styles:

oddities 063
Collar: front; sleeves: front
Collar: front; sleeves: back
Collar: front; sleeves: back
Collar: back; sleeves: front
Collar: back; sleeves: front
Collar: front; sleeves: back
Collar: front; sleeves: back

Which styles do you like? I found these styles on this video:

[youtube 2JwdZC31nQU]

However, I stumbled upon to more videos that have additional styles which are really cute:

[youtube HUrbVW7efGE]

[youtube 8VtyIuzk_u0]

So don’t be afraid to flaunt a man’s t-shirt! I asked my friends and they didn’t even recognize that it was a man’s shirt. So if you’re in a fashion slump and have a guy’s shirt with you; try these styles!