We know about adults but what about youth?


Every now and then we receive some cool research opportunities from the University of Calgary.  We try to help out and promote what they’re doing as they’re work is often connected to youth issues. This one passed by our email and relates to how youth connect with counsellor’s.  Have a read:

Adolescents between the ages of 14 and 16 are needed to participate in a study exploring the relationship between counsellors and adolescent clients. Most of the information on the counselling relationship is from the adult counsellor’s perspective and it is very important that we understand this relationship from the adolescent’s point of view. Therefore, this study requires the following of its participants:

1. To attend a free, 30 minute, one-on-one counselling session with a PhD counselling student (supervised by a registered psychologist) on the topic of career paths, study skills, and/or exam preparation. This session will be videotaped and used in the next part to the study.

2. Participants will review the video tape with the researcher and use it as a talking point to discuss their engagement in counselling and the working relationship with their counsellor. This should take approximately one hour.

3. Once the researcher has reviewed and analyzed the information across the individual sessions and conversations, the researcher will email each participant the themes found in relation to adolescent engagement in counselling. Participants are asked to respond to the email within 2 weeks and comment on how that information fits with their experience.

Participants can express interest or withdraw from the study at any time without consequence. For more information or to sign up as a participant, please contact Chantelle Quesnelle, at the University of Calgary: c/o 403-606-5206, or clquesne@ucalgary.ca


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