We are in this together.


As I was contemplating what this blog post should be about, I knew it was going to address some aspect of COVID-19, the pandemic that has turned all of our lives upside down in just two short weeks.  There’s definitely lots to talk about – lots of opinions, thoughts, and ideas on how to proceed – but we’ll save that for another time.

While there is no doubt we are living in an unprecedented time of challenge, perhaps it is also, an extraordinary time of opportunity. Opportunity to slow down, to take care of one another, and to remember the things that matter the most. For now, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I think we all deserve a dose of positivity and love. So, here is my compilation of a few #bitsofhope. The simple, humane things, in a crazy, insane world.

1. Enjoying Nature. While hundreds of thousands of frontline workers are surely not finding themselves with any extra time on their hands these days, some people are taking breaks from being cooped up at home by taking walks and enjoying the fresh air in the neighbourhood. As long as you are not showing symptoms and stick to physical distancing guidelines, public health officials are recommending we take advantage of the spring weather to get outside and get in some exercise.

Retrieved from Parkdale YYC Twitter Account

2. Neighbourhood Art. Related to the last item, the Parkdale Community and all of Calgary has embraced the neighbourhood window walk! Create some art, drawings, and silly faces to put in your window. Then go for a walk and see what you can find! Check out some of the things that have been spotted in YYC:

#HopeFromHome fence in Lakeview, courtesy of @LeesWendy








Seen on a walk in SW Calgary, courtesy of @ELHoffman1
From young Calgarian, Sarah, courtesy of @nenshi
Spotted in Cedarbrae, courtesy of @fedyyc


3. Porchraits. Another local initiative. Neil Zeller, a Calgary photographer who has lost much of his business shooting live events is now taking photos of families on their porch or through their windows with a long lens camera to maintain proper physical distancing. He is not charging for these photos, but clients can donate what they feel appropriate. In the last week since he started, Zeller has completed more than 200 shots (and other YYC + YEG photographers have joined in!) Here are some highlights from his Twitter page:

4. Cheering for Healthcare Workers. Every day at 7 pm, when the hospital shift changes, in many places across Canada, residents are encouraged to get outside, echo, applause and cheer to show their appreciation for healthcare workers. It’s become a daily ritual in Vancouver, especially areas close to St. Paul’s Hospital. This idea is also just getting started in Calgary, so go outside tonight at 7 pm!

Vancouver’s West End at 7 pm on March 21st, Retrieved from Huffington Post

My brownies from this afternoon 😊

   5. New Hobbies. For those finding themselves bored at home, tons of inner creativity has been channelled! Whether that be the Youtube channel my sister’s been talking about for years that she finally started 😂 or time spent in the kitchen perfecting our cooking and baking skills. Check out this link for some recipes I’m want to try this week.

Photograph by Andrea Pattaro, AFP, Getty

6. Decreased Air Pollution. With increased physical distancing, less of us getting on an airplane or into our cars, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions have fallen in continents and countries around the world. In China, emissions fell by 25% at the start of the year. In Europe and the United States, satellite images have shown nitrogen dioxide emissions fading away over Italy, Spain, New York, and Los Angeles. And National Geographic has shared the Venice canals are much clearer. Just some food for thought: in a 2012 piece, New York Times, environmental journalist, Jim Robbins wrote “If we fail to understand and take care of the natural world, it can cause a breakdown of these systems and come back to haunt us in ways we know little about, as he explained that most pandemics are a result of things people do to nature.

Information retrieved from BBC, USA Today, National Geographic

7. Singing. Italians singing the national anthem from their balconies.

Retrieved from Global News

And streets wishing their neighbours Happy Birthday. Here’s Sophie, from the UK’s 8th Birthday Party!

Retrieved from UK Independent News.

8. Volunteers + Helpers.

Retrieved from The Huffington Post.

Indeed, we often emerge from a crisis, stronger together. From the countless grocery stores dedicating an hour in the mornings to only elderly and vulnerable shoppers to the thousands of volunteers who have stepped up to phone strangers who may be feeling isolated. If you’re ever feeling a little down, just scroll through the YYC Covid-19 Volunteers Facebook page. Whenever someone posts anything from requesting grocery pick-ups to questions about self-isolation rules, there are dozens of responses within minutes. Here’s an extra Twitter-pick me-up:

9. Connection with Friends + Family. While all members of the household working and living in close proximity 24/7 has its challenges (“SHHH, I’m on a teleconference!!” – sound familiar?), it also allows us to spend, perhaps more time together than we’ve ever spent before. Even outside of those we live with, it’s crazy how scary times motivate us to virtually connect with those we may not have otherwise talked to as regularly in our everyday busy lives. Online Persian new year celebrations, family Zoom calls, and Netflix parties have all become welcome parts of my recent routine.

10. Gratitude. You can’t deny that at some point over the past three weeks we’ve all felt an underlining sense of gratitude for both what we may have temporarily lost, but also for what we continue to hold near. Gratitude for frontline healthcare, grocery and transportation workers, gratitude for living in the communities, city, province, and country in which we do, gratitude for a house to sleep in and food to eat, gratitude for our loved ones. Gratitude for what is most important in life.

Gratitude turns what we have, into enough. – Aesop

These are not easy days. But remember, kindness always wins. Stay safe. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. We are in this together.  ❤️


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