There are many different ways to wear a dress. For most of us, we spend time picking it out then throw it on and wear it how it was meant to be worn, alone. Which is definitely an amazing way to wear a dress, and is a classic, so you can never go wrong doing so. But I’m sure this way to wear the dress is not so typical. So, what does it mean to layer dresses and tops? Well the easiest way is to wear the dress underneath and throw a shirt just on top to make it look as though it’s a skirt. But here is where I got my inspiration for this specific idea:

Why did this look inspire me?
Not only is it different, interesting and beautiful, but it also allows you to play with your clothes, dress up or dress down any dress, or simply give it another look. I thought that it stepped out of the box but only a little, so that it can still appeal to a lot of people and still look cute. This look is extremely easy to achieve and allows us to have a bit of fun with our outfits.
What I suggest:
The example I have shown above is self-explanatory. You can easily do this by wearing a shirt underneath and a dress over top. However there is a fine line between a fashion fop-ah and a cute outfit, so here are a few tips:
- Don’t be afraid to wear any dress! It doesn’t HAVE to be a black tank dress, but at least you know it works. Strapless dresses are the most difficult, especially ones with a sweetheart (heart shaped) neckline. The best advice is to try it out at home, and judge for yourself whether it looks okay or not.
- Avoid wearing a solid t-shirt underneath!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I stress this idea) I know it may be tempting and you may have a lot of them; but before you reach for a solid t-shirt, opt for wearing the dress alone or with a cardigan instead for an extra layer.
- That brings up the next tip, avoid wearing solids underneath. This is because solid pieces of clothing can take away from the dress and the look overall, rather than enhancing it. The Opacity creates harsh lines, and a background, but not a good one. If you were to wear solids then make sure it is NOT cotton, because cotton is typical which is not what this look aims for, and is extremely harsh.
- Try wearing tops that are translucent, like lace, burnout or very light tops. This is because it contrasts with the solidity of the dress, and will help connect you back to the way the dress was “meant to be” worn.
- Tank tops also do very well, especially with another tank dress. With different thicknesses, colours and patterns, you can change the way a dress looks by adding extra straps and a spark of change.
My Final Thoughts:
This look is very easy, but may take a little bit of effort to manipulate. Take your time, and if you ever need help, ask a few honest friends to see what they think. They may say it’s weird, but thats OK, you might expect that from a look not a lot of people have taken on. As long as they say it’s not ugly, then you know you’ve done something right. Or you can feel free to take a picture and link me your take and ask questions if necessary!