Hey guys, this past weekend was uneventful. Our city got pummelled by nature and thus we were given the mandate to stay at home for the whole weekend. Which totally sucks. The weekend is the best part of the week: the whole city gets around and socializes in an attempt to brighten their lives. Usually on such occasions (mostly sick days), I brighten the dull and gloom by spending time with my Television and some Peter Sellers (Aaah PINK PANTHER!!). This weekend, however, I indulged in one of my side hobbies, art or to be more specific, the culinary arts. You see, I went through high school doing three years of Foods Classes and I thought “no better time to make use of my three semesters worth of knowledge”
After much thinking (and browsing Tumblr – like a lot), I came to the idea of making a Watermelon Swan. The whole idea of carving has always interested me as my grandfather was my role model and he was an avid whittler. After scouring the internet, I came upon this lovely article: http://www.stufftotweet.com/tweetthis/wikihow/how-to-carve-a-watermelon-swan which details the individual steps of making a watermelon swan.

According to my foods teacher, you must always have a loose sketch and a plan when you are doing such activities. Then you must start drawing on your watermelon

Then you start carving. I used a pairing knife for the carving and I would sporadically also use a chef’s knife to clean up on the inside
I wasn’t pleased with my results and I made another one the next day. This time I also cut up a myriad of fruits and put those in it, making sure to get a lot of different colours and shapes in. Tadaaa!