Should water be privatized?


I was recently reading some statistics about water. Also, there were many pictures in regards to this topic that I will be posting below for all of you to see. There has been a debate surrounding this topic for a very long time, and I voiced my opinions, and pictures down below.

Privatization would also be wrong because there is “only a fixed amount of fresh water”



The effects of bottled “water”

Should water be privatized? What are the main arguments for and against water privatization?

Pros Cons
-The water will be reaching many people around the globe in a more efficient manner-most countries will make a commitment to increasing safe water thus reducing child mortality- drinking water is sold thus most water borne diseases will be taken care of-companies will worry about the sustainability of water and monitor it adequately-high-income/middle-income are said to have the best success-lets go of the one-size-fits all service that comes with monopolies-Gives new owners a strong incentive to turn around and create a successful business-Greater market competition between companies lead by consumer choice which is a more efficient way to make decisions leading companies to be profitable -Water is a basic need and should be in the hands of the government-low income and underserved communities can be affected due to unfair rate increases-lower quality service ex: communities that try to reclaim their water systems have poor water quality, or unresponsiveness-developing countries left in turmoil-death rates regarding thirst increase because of many people in developing countries not being able to pay for the price of water-the environment has an impact as these efforts are for the profit and not conservation of ecosystems and the world in total-Neglected water use for efficiency and sustainability ex: hydroelectric power-Government no longer receives profits

Overall my opinion is that water should not be privatized. Let me know what you think. How would this have impacted the Ice Bucket Challenge?