Warm Fuzzy Websites Part 2 of 4: Love Your Flaws


After last week’s Gives Me Hope, our WFW saga continues with another ‘feel good’ website that will leave a smile on your face.

So when we look at magazines, television, billboards and even clothing, the image of ripped muscular bodies or tall slim figures with perfect silky hair and glowing skin appear.  The flaws are unseen  and photoshopped out because it does not exist in the version of ‘beauty’ and ‘perfection’ that the media and our society has created.  Well, I  present to you, LoveYourFlawz, which de-photoshops the perfection of beauty and the way we view it.

‘Imperfect is the new perfect.’

The website is created and hosted by Caitlin Crosby (no, she is not related to Sidney Crosby) and Brie Larson.  This is a place for people to share their ‘flaw’s and together they help  inspire others to open up and share theirs as well.  Their mission?  To help us love and embrace our awesome flaws!  Why?  Because media and society puts a lot of pressure on us to look a certain way to be considered ‘beautiful’ or ‘hot’.  Our ‘flaws’ make each and every one of us unique, beautiful and real.

‘I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked in the mirror and sucked in my stomach or squeezed my arms and thighs just begging for them to shrink to model size but I just have to remember; models are outrageous, I am beautiful. “plus sized models” are not plus sized they are real people. size 10 is not fat. My eyes are an amazing color, my hair thick spiralling curls, and that smile that rarely gets wiped off. With that the rebound is in. It takes less and less time to go from “Blah!” to “Beautiful” Love your flaws and be positive.’

There is a blog section on LoveYourFlawz which is a major self-esteem boaster and you can also submit and contribute, whether in the form of  thoughts, poems, lyrics, or simply a rant.  I admit, when I look in the mirror I see many flaws in the reflection, but now I am grateful of my chipmunk cheeks and my poofy hair because it is what makes me, me.

‘…The deep scars on my hips remind me of my past and how I’m better.  My hair stands straight up and makes my mom laugh when I wake up, putting a smile on my face too.  I have horrible taste in music, but that means I can dance to anything.  I don’t look like a model, that means I can eat.  I’m a loser, I’m a geek, and most of all I am a freak and that means I can act however I want.  I’m called heartless, but really I just love differently which I’m okay with.  I have mood swings, they let me feel everything.  Aren’t these things perfect?..’

Sure we are flawed, but that does not make us any less amazing.  Now I have a mission for you–that is if you are up for a challenge.  The next time you look in the mirror take a few minutes and truly look at yourself.  Do not critique or compare yourself, and give yourself a genuine compliment–the warm fuzzy feelings will follow close behind.

Good luck !


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