Want to be extraordinary?


extraordinaryEveryone wants to do good for the world, but we never seem to have enough time. Be Extraordinary is a website that aims to fix this. When you create an account with them, they allow you to do simple, quick tasks for organisations in need of help. These tasks are even timed to give a sense of excitement to helping out, most being only 30 seconds long, while others are 2 minutes.

These tasks can range from tagging pictures to writing encouraging notes to students in third-world countries. Each task you complete gives you a credit. The leaderboards rank members each month on how many credits they gained. I can say, it certainly gives you a sense of accomplishment to see your name in the top 20.

For those who want something to do on the train, there’s an iPhone/iPod touch app that has almost the same functionality of the website. I personally quite like this feature, as it lets me put otherwise unusable downtime to use for the good of others.

Get crackin’ at http://beextra.org/


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