Volunteering During the Pandemic


During the course of this pandemic, there have been few volunteering opportunities for those who normally volunteer in person. It’s been hard to find opportunities, job openings, spaces available- and it’s easy to get stressed over the lack of chances available. In this article, I hope to relieve some of that stress by showing some of the volunteering opportunities available online during the pandemic- and even some that are still in person. 


1. Youth Central – https://youthcentral.com/

Youth Central has largely been one of Calgary’s major hubs for volunteering in the past and continues to be one today. From opportunities such as writing for Youth Are Awesome to writing Pen Pal Letters to older people, it’s incredibly easy to get a volunteering position with Youth Central. Simply sign up for an account through the website and begin browsing for something that interests you- for me, it was writing, for you, it might be something else. It’s very simple to get a job, and it’ll continue to be a simple one into the future- simply click the link, follow the instructions, choose something to do, and you’re well on your way to volunteering with Youth Central. 


2. Youth Helping Youth – https://linktr.ee/yhyalberta

Youth Helping Youth is an organization run by youth for youth. At YHY, they create a safe volunteering experience for youth by increasing awareness of social issues and acting as an opportunity hub for youth to learn in. By bringing attention to opportunities for youth provincially and globally, YHY brings more opportunities to youth all around the world and to pressing organizations that need help. To find opportunities or sign up for something, go to their Instagram page at @yhyalberta and check out their posts for something new. 


I’ll only provide two for the moment, but I hope that this article allowed someone to volunteer for something else! I’ll do another one of these articles if there’s enough interest- say something in the comments if this article helped you. 


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