Volunteering at the Calgary Public Library


Courtesy of the Calgary Public LibraryThere are many libraries spread out across Calgary, and at each of them they offer numerous volunteer opportunities. I have been a part of a few of the libraries volunteer opportunities and was delighted by the time I spent volunteering with the children there. A couple of the programs the public library offers for the youth are Reading Buddies, Computer Buddies, ESL Teen Talk, and CyberSeniors Connect.

Reading Buddies involves interacting with children, encouraging them to read, and supporting strong literacy skills. Being a volunteer, you are required to provide a safe and friendly environment for children to learn and practice their reading skills. Likewise, you must provide a fun learning experience with reading while increasing the childrens’ awareness with the library environment and it’s resources.
Courtesy of Ulpanor
The Computer Buddy program involves interacting with children and teaching them the in and outs of using the computer. A volunteer must have a strong desire to help children as well as having the basic knowledge of technology on hand. You are given the opportunity to teach your mentee how to use Microsoft Office, Excel, and Powerpoint and their various functionalities. You will teach them the safety of being on the internet, while keeping their positive computer interactions intact.

ESL Teen Talk is a program designed for youth in a variety of grades to be in contact with youth that need practice in their spoken English. As a mentor for ESL Teen Talk you must have a positive attitude, and grasp on conversational and written English.

CyberSeniors Connect is a  program made to educate elderly individuals who lack skills with computers. Possible areas that will be covered are how to use Microsoft Office, email, blog and use other social medias. The library looks for volunteers who are reliable, patient, positive and have strong communication skills.

The library offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities and are very flexible in shifts. I have had great experiences being both a Computer and Reading Buddy. I hope that many people take a look at the volunteer opportunites the library has to offer as you are helping your community in so many aspects.

If you would like to fill out a volunteer application form visit this link