Volunteering at: Summer YVC Steering Committee


Two weeks ago, my very last meeting for the summer Youth Volunteer Corps steering committee ended! With our very small group of no more than 3-4 volunteers meeting at a time, this year’s summer YVC meetings were dedicated to organizing a major project for next year’s YVC’s steering committee, Empty Bowls 2010/2011.

Empty Bowls is a project that calls for adults, youth and children in the community of Calgary to become aware of youth homelessness in Calgary and allows them to get involved. Volunteers of various ages will create fantastic and beautiful ceramic bowls at the Wildflower Arts Centre, and then auction these bowls off in a fundraising event, where fellow Calgarians will purchase tickets to a mock-soup kitchen, allowing these guests to experience and remind them of the youth that go hungry in Calgary. Every year, the YVC Steering Committee chooses the proceeds from Empty Bowls to go a different youth organization; 2009 being Yahoo Youth Housing.

The Summer YVC Steering Committee researched into potential “celebrity” scoopers for this year’s Empty Bowls, experimented with different methods to create “thank you” mosaics for our sponsors, approved potential YVC projects, and discussed redesigning the traditional “fill-a-bowl” aspect of Empty Bowls, deciding what they should look like.

Be sure to volunteer for this year`s YVC Steering Committee to get involved in this fantastic project!

For more, and how you can get involved, visit the website here.