Video of the Day: Thai Commercial on Giving


This viral video was an instant classic because of its tear-jerking characters and the idea that a simple act of kindness can inspire many other bigger acts. Thai communication provider TrueMove H truly made a classic with this commercial because it shows the immense power that we humans have within us to influence and change other people’s perceptions and lives with just a single, simple act of kindness. So, when you go about your day, try to perform at least one act of kindness each day. It might seem like a lot but holding the door open for another person, lending a pencil to a classmate or letting an elderly person board the bus before you are all considered acts of kindness and they’re quite simple to do. When we think about all that we’ve been provided with in this world, a simple kind act isn’t so hard to perform. In the end, giving back to the world without expecting something in return can make us and others feel better, and often when we least expect it, we may be the recipient of a kind act!

For more random acts of kindness, check out the HuffPost galary.