VIDEO HAUL: Cool things


This first video is this really cool thing they did in Japan. If you can’t afford to buy new clothes, or if you just want to see what they would look like if you tried them on, without actually wearing them, well Google has the answer. With just a projector and Google Images, you too can have a fashion show right in your living room.

The second video is something interesting, well, something I find interesting. For some reason Chinese instruments have a certain twang that gives it a ominous and somber feel. So here is a chilling rendition of Adele’s, Rolling in the Deep, played by a Guzheng.

This is the last video and is one of my favourites. It’s about looks being deceiving and about judging without knowing. I really don’t want to ruin the ending of this one. It tugs the heart strings.


  1. Yo. It’s me. 🙂
    Welcome to Youth Are Awesome! 🙂
    I really like the videos you have picked, they all have been really impressive and creative videos.
    Japanese people and their high tech ideas… maybe this will lead people to not going to the change room as often in stores?
    Oh and I love the way the Guzheng sounds! Although to be honest I can never tell between a Guzheng and a Guqin, but nevertheless Chinese culture represent. 🙂
    And the last video….. those types of videos are the best haha and they do really well at conveying moral messages!
    Do more video hauls because I told you to. 🙂

  2. Yo. It’s me. 🙂
    Welcome to Youth Are Awesome! 🙂
    I really like the videos you have picked, they all have been really impressive and creative videos.
    Japanese people and their high tech ideas… maybe this will lead people to not going to the change room as often in stores?
    Oh and I love the way the Guzheng sounds! Although to be honest I can never tell between a Guzheng and a Guqin, but nevertheless Chinese culture represent. 🙂
    And the last video….. those types of videos are the best haha and they do really well at conveying moral messages!
    Do more video hauls because I told you to. 🙂

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