Video games: The new sport



When you think of the word “athlete,” I would assume many of you would picture hard working, determined individuals. These individuals dedicate their entire life in order to become a “grandmaster” in the sport of their desire. These athletes train every day, hoping to one day make their dreams a reality. This week, I came across a video featuring athletes many of you probably aren’t familiar with. As a matter of fact, these “athletes” have all of the characteristics I had previously mentioned. They’re hard working, determined, and committed to the sport they compete in. They are video game athletes! As part of MLG (Major League Gaming) these gamers are playing every day hoping to become the best in the world. The following video focuses primarily on the game “League of Legends.” Many of these gamers spend over 80% of their day training. There are also several amateur teams that hope to make it into the big League’s one day. One of the most recent League of Legends world championships had taken place in the Staples Centre in Los Angeles, CA. Hundreds of thousands of people tuned in to enjoy the show.


So what do I think about this? To be honest, I think it is completely ridiculous, and simply stupid. These gamers are locked up in rooms 24/7, sitting on a chair clicking a mouse. That’s pretty much summing up their entire life for you! That’s right, these gamers are completely oblivious to the world around them. I highly doubt they have any socials skills. They’re complete minions. Life is about innovating, creating, solving, exploring, and merely living. Even though the real, hardcore athletes are also very caught up in their own sport, they are still able to live life. Let’s face it, looking at a computer screen for your entire life is very unhealthy for your body. I don’t see how simply clicking a mouse can get you anywhere in life. Although these professional gamers can make up to $500,000, are they really satisfied with what they’ve accomplished in life? Are they happy with themselves?

You can click on the link down below for further details.

HBO Real Sports League Of Legends (Scarra)