Video of the Day: What if ET is out there?


If you can muster up half an hour to watch Kony 2012, then surely you can give up 19 minutes of your life to watch this video. Dr. Seth Shostak is confident that we will be able to detect extraterrestrial life within the next two dozen years. There is a lot of mathematically data that suggests this. Based on what we are able to do today and the extent that we could study space, the technology we have now is approximately 100 trillion times better than it was 50 years ago. That number itself is barely fathomable, but then you have to take into account that that number is still rising… in fact it’s doubling every 18 months – something called Moore’s Law. That’s when our brains start to go awry and it’s nearly impossible to understand how far we’ve progressed technologically.  Just accept the fact that it is really good. There are also results that suggest every single star in our galaxy has at least one planet, more often that not, more. With the millions and billions of planets that probably do exist, at least another one of them should be similar to Earth, right? Actually, there should be at least a billion. Even pessimistically you could say there are a million or a thousand, but isn’t one enough just to prove extraterrestrial life? But enough of me explaining things, as Dr. Shostak does it much better. He does it with humour, facts, and a very strong sense of confident that we will find ET in 24 years or less. So please, without further ado, enjoy the video.