Video of the Day: Sweet City Lib Dub


Well, this year is almost over folks – a year of being Canada’s Cultural Capital. One of the major highlights of this year was the lip dub held downtown last month in order to showcase Calgary’s “culture”. These 3 minutes of film, accompanied by the Stampeders singing and playing “Sweet City Woman”, in reality, took several hours to film. By the time they finished capturing the video, each individual had gone through several takes, but still managed to bound across the streets with endless energy. Don’t be afraid to pause the video – there’s a lot to take in.


[youtube hhJ585Exxao]


If you love flash mobs and lip dubsSweet City to the same extent I do, I hope you take advantage of the following opportunity to participate or volunteer for one! This month Calgary is holding a “Thriller” flash mob,  and it’s coming up soon, so be sure to check it out! Hopefully you’ll be in the next Calgary flash mob video I post!