Video of the Day: Survival Split Board


When it comes to being fully equipped with a James Bond-esque snowboard, tweaked to allow for survival in case of emergency, the guys at Signal Snowboards have you covered.  They present (probably the epitome of snowboard modifications) the Survival Split.

Known for making awesome snowboards that come with rather odd features or that are made of less conventional materials, such as an attached paintball gun, a fake putting green with a tee for you to get a hole in one from the mountain top, a board with a built-in iPad window and a light up logo, or even one made out of pressed beer cans… you name it, Signal Snowboards have done it.  Well, now they’ve come up one of the coolest boards I ever seen.  Designed purely for function, their Survival Split can detach into multiple parts.  Together it’s a board, apart it’s a handsaw, a pair of skis, a shovel, and more.  I feel like I’m downsizing the sheer awesome found within this board, so watch the video and judge for yourself!