Video of the Day: How to grow longer hair faster


This is a five-minute video on growing longer hair faster. So all you girls posting photos on tumblr or posting statuses on Facebook saying “I WANT LONGER HAIR,” watch the following video! But remember, your hair is fine just the way it is. Waist long hair isn’t the only type of hair that’s beautiful.

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Hiya! My name is MJ, but not MJ as in Michael Jackson, not MJ as in Michael Jordan, not MJ as in megajoules, but MJ as in Min Jung! I attend Western Canada High School and my favorite subject is Biology. I especially relish in the smell of formaldehyde fuming through the hallways after a dissection lab. Random fact about me? I can bend backwards until my hands are locked around my ankles and my nose touches the ground. How's that for head over heels?


  1. “Your genetics play a very big part.” Thanks… Oprah, for that nugget of wisdom. I tried to grow my hair waist-length, but that hasn’t exactly worked out for me… like… ever. Obviously, it’s because I am, and have always been, a male. I probably didn’t need the 5-minute video to tell me that as I have been in a bathroom more than once in my life. This video could’ve made it into the classroom with its overwhelming amount of technical jargon if she hadn’t caked herself under layers of make-up… Students find it rather hard to keep a straight face when the person talking has heavy eye-shadow that makes her look like a panda =)

  2. my hairs are short from front……..bangs…….i wnt it to grow fast.plz suggest the home remedies………ur video is awesome:))

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