Video of the Day: I Hope This Gets to You


I present to you a wonderful music video.  The song is called “I Hope This Gets to You” by the band “Daylights“.  This trio’s music is already amazing, but to have such a beautiful video accompany the song, it makes for a truly delightful experience.  I kid you not, I started watching the video with a little smirk and by the end of it I was smiling at the sight of probably one of the most simple yet ingenious videos I’ve seen in a long time.  There only thing you see in the video are monochromatic hands, tinted to a very striking silver.  The video was meant to be a message from a man named Walter May to his girlfriend, who had moved across the country.  The story behind the video is amazing, as as one man’s digitial love letter became viral instantly, attracting even the interest of Katy Perry, as she tweeted the video on her Twitter account.  The views skyrocketed and two days after the video was uploaded, the message made it to May’s girlfriend.  Who knew YouTube could spark the romanticist in everyday people.  Watch this video for more of May’s story.