Video of the day (Happy Army Day) !


Happy Army Day everybody!  Did YOU know that today is Army day? I posed this question to a lot of my friends, and their answers mainly consisted of… “no”‘.  I was also unaware of this day of appreciation until recently, and it’s safe to say that the significance of those who form the army is sometimes overlooked. These individuals are truly amazing and strong- in a way, they are our modern day heroes.  They are men and women who are raised among us – men and women who sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the people-(and commonly not even people who they know) and that bravery is, well, something else in itself. Marching headfirst into the face of danger with the knowledge that your life is on the line takes serious strength and character, something that those in the army are definitely not lacking in. Now for those of you who tune into some form of the news, you are probably aware when a soldier is killed in battle in a foreign place.  And yes, when soldiers lose their lives so that others can gain, well, their lives, it is on the news and we are able to take a moment to appreciate them.  However, unless we hear about a certain death, I think that many times the true significance of the army and all that they do is not given enough daily appreciation.  Amongst the little blessings which I count every day, including my house, family, my friends, my school, and a safe country, I intend to start thanking the world for shaping individuals who volunteer their lives and livelihoods for humanity.  Because without them, the world and the way society operates would be incredibly different . Contemplating how blessed we are to exist in a society where individuals are selfless enough to join a cause such as the army, I also experienced another little revelation.  Thinking about the problems which appear in my daily life, such as deadlines and acne , they suddenly seem less significant in the larger scope of things, if you know what I mean.  In other countries, citizens are struggling to stay alive while I “struggle” to find clothes to wear that I like… #firstworldproblems anyone? Yeah… next time someone’s complaining about how much schoolwork they have to do, give that person a gentle reminder that at the same time another teenager is probably struggling to stay alive.


I have an immeasurable amount of respect and admiration for every individual involved in the army, and if you know happen to know someone don’t forget to give thanks!

Below is an extremely emotional video that does it’s part in restoring a lil’ bit of faith in humanity: (If you do not cry, that’s some serious self control you’ve got there)

Happy Army day everyone! Don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate, not only one this day but every day. 🙂