Video of the Day Ft. PIPTRIX


Ever wondered what it would be like to see Spiderman in action in real life? I recently saw the Sony Spiderman commercial on the YouTube home page and was ecstatic as two of my most treasured things collided: Spiderman and parkour. The video advertises Sony products and of course, their Spiderman franchise. But this is no average commercial. Sony takes on a more strategic method of advertising and grasps the attention of the masses by inputing some parkour action into the video. The stunts are performed by Pip Anderson, who has been practising parkour and free-running for seven years. Not only is he easy on the eyes, Anderson has worked with other companies as well, such as Audi, Nike and MTV. You can see more of Anderson in action on his YouTube channel, PIPTRIX.

Sure this video may have been released a year ago, but seeing anything related to parkour again never hurts. In fact, you could say that it is a bit like saying hello to your friendly neighbour.