Video of the Day: Daniel Beaty – Knock Knock (Truly astounding poetry)


I came across this video when doing some research for the Speech and Debate Club at Churchill High School. This man truly exemplifies the art of public speaking, his posture, voice control, volume, and tone are all flawless. The poem itself also struck quite a chord with me. As Daniel Beaty repeats the lines knock knock throughout the poem I am almost eerily reminded of M.L.K.’s “I have a dream” speech. This powerful poem tells of a young boy whose father is sent to jail. Prior to being imprisoned, the father and son were an exceptionally close duo, inseparable by all means. However, upon being incarcerated, the father makes no attempt to contact or teach the son and leaves him to grow up alone. Thus, the son (Daniel Beaty) speaks out about all the things he will tell his own son so as not to make the same mistake his father did.

“We are our father’s sons and daughters but we are NOT their choices!”