Video of the Day: Andrew De Leon


I share with you today a video that is simply a clip from America’s Got Talent. Before even watching it I’m sure you could jump to the conclusion that it showcases, well, talent. But the reason why I chose this video in particular is because of the story behind it. Here we have a young man- Andrew De Leon- who has never sung in front of everyone in his life– not even his parents. He has felt alienated his entire life.  Yet he mustered up the courage to audition, and he really impacted the people who watched him. You see, Andrew appears as a goth: long black hair, coloured contacts, black nail polish, eyeliner, spiky wristbands, the whole combo. But as soon as the music cues, you can tell he’s special.

Andrew sings “O mio babbino caro,” an iconic piece from the opera Gianni Schicchi. Yes, you read that right. A goth sings opera. Such a combination of words should be found on Reddit (mind you, it probably is) but trust me, Andrew’s performance is truly beautiful. Watch the video and let the tears fill your eyes.  Enjoy!