Is Valentine’s Day underrated?


Where has the traditional value of holidays gone? Is Christmas just a day where you receive gifts, a day that precedes another day you can buy more gifts for cheaper? Is Halloween just a day where girls can dress up as hairless bunnies?  And is Valentine’s Day just a day forcing boyfriends to do something romantic for their girlfriends? I mean, Carrie does bring up good points in her blog about Valentine’s day (click here to read) but maybe we’re missing something else.

February doesn’t just call for the celebration of love, but for the single individuals to bring up “Singles Awareness day.” People blog and tweet saying “screw Valentine’s day” or “forever alone.” It may not be the greatest feeling knowing you’re alone and not having a significant other to spend the day with, but why do people have to be so bitter about it? Maybe you do deserve to be single, I mean, who wants to date a cynical and bitter whiner? And if you can’t be happy with yourself, how can you expect to be happy with someone else? Somebody else should not be your sole source of happiness; it’s something you must find within yourself then share with another. Just because you know other people are dating, it does not mean you need to find yourself a date also.

For those who aren’t single, Valentine’s Day is really special. And I know that girls say that guys should be treating them on a regular basis, and that’s true to a certain extent. While it’s important that both the boyfriend and girlfriend (or wife and husband) show one another that they still care, sometimes personal issues, school, and work can get in the way.  It’s not always possible to take someone out on a special date to an expensive restaurant, because maybe they’re short on money or time. So Valentine’s Day is that one day that serves as a reminder that love has brought them together, they can celebrate their being together, and say lovey dovey corny things to one another. And what’s wrong with that?

This Valentine’s Day, if you have someone special in your life, go out or stay home and let them know you care. And if you don’t, don’t get so upset about it! Don’t try to fall in love just because you’re lonely; do it because you’re ready to. Maybe this Valentine’s day isn’t the right time. But someday, whether it should fall on a Valentine’s Day or not, you will find someone.