Valentine’s Day advice and heart-shaped pizza!


Heart-shaped pizza. It exists. It is just as delicious as any other shaped pizza. But somehow…it’s just so much more romantic. And with all this filthy “love” in the air, one can’t help but wish for silly romantic things such as a heart-shaped pizza.

Valentine’s Day is such a great holiday. For girls at least. For guys, there is WAY too much pressure to do well and to be a good boyfriend or husband. Suck it up. It’s the way our society is. Get a gift for her or sleep on the couch. It’s that simple! I find it funny how many break-ups there are on Valentine’s Day. The expectations are set too high, and when they aren’t met, everything falls to pieces. Yay? Here’s some advice for the perfect Valentine’s Day!

Guys, do something nice. Don’t be all clique and buy her flowers or chocolate. Not a rose. Don’t buy a rose. ANYTHING BUT A RED ROSE. Instead, buy her favourite flower. Best of all, buy a heart-shaped pizza (for gluttonous, freaky girls like me). What I’m trying to say is, buy her something that fits her tastes. Or, if you’re really up to the challenge, make her something. A handmade card really isn’t that hard, and it shows a lot more than a card bought from Walmart. Finally, if you are planning to take her out, or do something special, pick something that she likes. But also something that you can stand. Valentine’s Day is about spending time together, not torturing guys and their wallets, as hard as it is to believe. And don’t give her the gifts late at night, because she’ll think you forgot, as silly as that sounds. Give her hints. And, the absolute worst thing you could do isn’t NOT get her something, is NOT show up if you actually arranged something. Cardinal sin of Valentine’s Day #1. Mushy stuff, I know. But, good luck anyways!

For girls, the advice is much more simple. Just be yourself, and appreciate his efforts. Asking for too much, and acting really demanding is a no.

All the couples, just remember the Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be a stressful thing. In fact, it should be a very happy day, to celebrate love and whatever and all that good stuff. You know what? Guys should be doing nice things for girls anyways!

Finally, for the single people. Who cares about this holiday? Consider yourself LUCKY your wallet is spared. In fact, spend all the money you would have spent on someone else, for yourself! Pig out on chocolate, or go to the spa, or buy that new video game – whatever. Treat yourself. Better than having to suck up to your boyfriend/girlfriend. 😉

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!