Being Unique Is Beautiful


“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” ~Marilyn Monroe <3 

To all the ladies out there, this blog is dedicated to you! Do you agree with this quote? Do you connect with it? Haha I know I definitely do!  This quote by Marilyn Monroe inspires me to be who I am and to remain unique. For my blog this Friday, I am focusing on being unique and truly who you are. We have all been born with talents and gifts, we have all been created differently, we all have different personalities, and we must learn to love them. We must learn to love ourselves for who we truly are.

Although society and the media has created a certain identity for us youth, we can’t cave in and become what the world wants us to be. We shouldn’t have to be a size zero and have a typical teenage girl personality reflected on screens throughout the world. It isn’t fair, it isn’t us. With all due respect, I too fan girl over all of these picture perfect movies and dream of becoming like the main actress but in reality her character is not even real. We are individuals with spectacular qualities we shouldn’t try to be someone we are not. We shouldn’t have to always go along with status quo. We are all beautiful, no matter what anyone else tells us.

So let’s stop acting so superficial to fit in and look normal, because in reality none of us a normal. Take me for an example, I’m probably one of the weirdest people you will ever meet. Surprising? Aha, I doubt it! 😛 But let me tell you, I ain’t perfect yet I am a perfectionist. I am the farthest thing away from any kind of perfection whether it may be like the ideal “American/Canadian” teenager or in my daily life. It is packed with flaws, and when I look into the mirror I die a little because I am my own enemy. I stand in front of the mirror every morning and think about how ugly, or fat I may be compared to a model on the cover of a magazine. What can I do, I’m a fourteen year old girl? But then I try to focus on the positives, on how beautiful I truly am, on the inside and out. I urge you all to do this. One of my biggest inspiration, Alison Springer, taught me how to be confident. The biggest part of it all is shutting off the criticism you throw at yourself. Don’t leave the mirror until you only hear positive remarks, you shouldn’t live your life in fear.

BE UNIQUE, BE YOU. blogger

If I were to get a tattoo I swear it would say that! Whether you are a girly girl, hippy, punk rock-chick, preppy gal or tomboy you are original, so stay original. Your uniqueness it was makes you stand out. Don’t change, stay classy, live happy because all in all being unique is beautiful! <3



  1. apparently, dove is owned by unilever, which also owns axe! that kinda puts into question the whole real beauty campaign and the whole notion that they feel women are sacred…if u don’t know what i’m talking about, see the axe ads with 1000’s of bikini clad babes chasing a few ‘axed’ men.

    • Wow … That’s crazy. What hypocrites! Media and society can be so hypocritical ! It’s disgusting even to see the contradictory in a company itself, anything for their benefit 🙁

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