Understanding LoL #4: Wards


Hello summoners! New to the game? Have no fear!

Understanding LoL (League of Legends) is a series of posts that I will create in the next few weeks talking about small aspects of the game rather than mechanics. This includes champions or items to buy. Today, we’re talking about wards.


Wards are one of the most important items in the game. They are place-able items that give vision in an area around it, allowing you to keep track of enemies moving in order to react accordingly.

Pink – To place a pink ward to reveal an enemy ward to destroy.
Sieging – Pushing with a group of your allies with the intent to destroy a tower.
Gank – To be ambushed.
Baron – Short for Baron Nashor, a strong monster you kill to gain a powerful buff for your entire team.

These are the available wards and ward items to buy (credit: from LoL wiki) 

  • Sight Ward is the least expensive type of ward, which reveals all non-stealthed nearby units. (lasts 3 minutes and costs 75g)
  • Vision Ward is a ward that reveals all units nearby, including stealthed units. (lasts 3 minutes and costs 125g)
  • A Wriggle’s Lantern ward, created and placed by the activation of the aforementioned item. It has the same functions, characteristics and appearance of the Sight Ward. The item activation is unique and has a cooldown of 1.5 minutes. (2000g)
  • Sightstone wards. It has four charges, and may consume a charge to place a ward. Up to two wards from this item may be active at a time. (950g)
  • Ruby Sightstone wards. It has five charges, and may consume a charge to place a ward. Up to three wards from this item may be active at a time.  (1550g)

When should I ward?
1. The First 4-10 Minutes
It is important to ward at the beginning of the game because most Junglers (assuming the enemy team has a Jungler) will clear their entire jungle in about four minutes, meaning that they will be looking for a gank around four to five minutes.

2. The Last Stages of the Game (usually 35-50 minutes)
Due to the nature of late game, your turrets will most likely be destroyed, meaning that more of the map becomes unsafe for you to walk around with no vision (as you can randomly bump into enemies.) Also, your death timer becomes extended as your champion levels up, meaning the enemy team can capitalize harder on your death.

Where should I ward?


Red Arrows – Bot Lane Wards. The most important wards are the dragon ward, and the tri-brush ward.

Dark Red Arrows – Situational Bot Lane wards if you are being threatened by supports hiding in those bushes (usually Thresh or Blitzcrank.)

Green Arrows – Mid Lane Wards. The most important wards are the side brushes (ramps don’t cover everything), but the ramps are very good places to ward as well.

Light Green Arrow – Rarely used Mid Lane ward.

Pink Arrows – Baron and Dragon wards.  Note that you do not need to ward your own side for Baron, only the enemy side. Only ward over the wall if you feel like it will be stolen. The ramps are excellent to ward.

Purple Arrows – Top Lane wards.

Blue Arrows – Common places to ward when a turret has been taken. (Note that you ward depending on which turret has been taken. Top Jungle for Top Lane, Bot Jungle for Bot Lane, both for Mid Lane.)

Orange Arrows – Situational arrows. Base ones are for sieging (if you are being attacked from there), the Top Lane one is only for aggressive players who might attack you there.

When should I pink enemy wards?
When you want your lane to be open to ganks or you need to secure an objective such as Dragon but do not want the enemy team to try and steal it (it is much harder stealing an objective with no vision.) That means you will be pinking routes that allow easy access for the Jungler to gank or near the objective itself.


Always buy a ward or two for your lane. They help keep you safe throughout the entire game, and regular wards only cost 75g. Remember that you can kill 3 minions to make up the cost of a ward, so don’t think that you are wasting your money by buying it.

Just a decent League player that’s been playing for three to four years.  Gold in Season 2, Gold 1 in Season 3. Add Melonscoop if you wish.

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