Understanding LoL #1: Starting Champions


Hello summoners! New to the game? Have no fear!

Understanding LoL is a series of posts that I will create in the next few weeks talking about small aspects of the game rather than mechanics. This includes champions or items to buy. Today, we’re talking about which champions to play FOR BEGINNERS.


These champions require limited understanding of mechanics to play well, which makes them great for beginners. Plus, they all have great potential to carry the game, except for Garen.

Notice how all of these champions rely mostly on their skills to do damage. Champions that rely on auto attacks (such as Master Yi or Caitlyn) are harder to play well since they require a moderate understanding of the game mechanics. Champions that rely on skills simply just have to click on an enemy to blow them up for a free kill.

Root – A status effect that prevents you from moving.
Stun – A status effect that prevents you from doing anything.
Silence – A status effect that prevents you from casting any spells.
Tanky – How much health, armor, magic resist you have: basically how unkillable you are.
Caster – A champion that mostly relies on their abilities.
Farm – To focus on killing creeps and monsters to gain gold.
Area of Effect – AOE for short. Means that spell/ability or whatever will take place in an area that can affect multiple targets.
Nuke – A spell that does a lot of damage. Usually single target and magic damage.
Blink – An instant teleport.
Early Game – The first 15 to 20 minutes approximately. You can guess what Mid and Late Game are.
Passive – Basically an automatic trait that every champion has. Usually gives some kind of stat boost.
Hook – An ability that grabs someone and pulls them to your location.

Champions to Pick:

Ryze (450 IP) 

Spells are extremely easy to use and understand. Literally gets rewarded with free tankiness by building damage. Tons of magic damage, great on demand root for game changing plays.

Annie (450 IP)

Why? Spells are also extremely easy to use and understand. One of the tankier casters and also has a huge amount of magic damage. Amazing game changing Area of Effect ultimate. Also very easy to farm with because her Q gives her mana back every time she kills a minion.

Garen (450 IP)

Why? Spells are again, extremely easy to use and understand. Very tanky bruiser that can shred almost anyone early game. Extremely hard to push out of lane because passive gives him infinite health, and it’s near impossible to win an early duel against him.

Kassadin (3150 IP)

Why? Not nearly as easy to use, but definitely easy to understand. Fairly tanky caster that has a pretty good amount of magic damage. Ultimate is a free blink every 5 seconds, making him one of, if not the most mobile champion in the game. Near impossible to catch or see coming.

Blitzcrank (3150 IP)

Why? Also not as easy to use, but skills are easy to understand and are naturally looped into a combo (QER). Fairly tanky support with great burst. Passive is fantastic for living through basically everything. His Q, which is a skillshot hook, will literally win you the fight and or game once landed upon an enemy.


Pick one of these five champions to play often and I guarantee that your League experience will go much smoother – there is a reason they are generally regarded by the public as strong champions.

Just a decent League player that’s been playing for three to four years.  Gold in Season 2, Gold in Season 3 due to laziness. Add Melonscoop if you wish.