Do you know an undercover superhero?


YouthCentral_51vThey don’t wear capes, masks, or fly, and they can’t turn invisible or breathe underwater. This post is about real-life superheroes in our everyday society. Teens striving to make each day better than the one before, both for themselves, their community, and the world as a whole. For many of these youth who have chosen an admirable way to live, it can be hard to know that what they are doing is truly impacting others. That’s why nominating a teen for an award is huge. Step up and tell them you care, gather others to compile all your nominee does, and share their ways with the world!

There are different awards out there, and here I’ve compiled three different ones.


Calgary Awards: These city-sponsored awards are for citizens who strive to make the community a better place. There are different categories, including one that youth (and only youth) are eligible for. It’s called “youth” (shocker, isn’t it…). Deadline: March 1, 2013                                                                                                                        


Leadership Awards: hosted by volunteer calgary, these awards are available for a variety of categories, including categories for elementary/junior high/senior high students! Deadline: not too sure…


And the best for last! As you may know, (this blog) is part of Youth Central, and the Conocophilips Youth of Distinction Awards (YODA) is also affiliated with Youth Central:  I say these are the best, because they are all for youth, and there are a number of categories, ALL of which are for youth age 13-18! Nominate a teen in your life who has chosen a remarkable way to live. Make sure to look over what each category means!             ***Deadline: March 4, 2013***                                                                                                       


As you can see, some of the deadlines are coming VERY SOON, so if you know an undercover superhero, join the race to nominate and give them the chance to be acknowledge for the admirable life they have chosen!

Now, just as some inspiration… these are a few quotes I found really meaningful, and they really relate to the idea of recognizing people who do a lot for others, and also about being that person and living valiantly. Just some stuff to ponder….




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