Under the Wolf, Under the Dog by Adam Rapp


When I was looking for a new book to read, I came across one with relatively high review. Despite its strange title, I decided to give it a try. So this time, I’m reviewing “under the wolf, under the dog”

This story starts off in Burnstone Grove, a facility for severely troubled youths. There, the teens are divided into groups. Red grouper (drug addicts), blue grouper (suicidal kids), and grey grouper (none of the above). The story follows a grey grouper named Steve Nugent. He is a highly intelligent sixteen year old who has experiences highly unfortunate events. Steven also tends to make a lot of bad decisions, which doesn’t help.

This is a heart braking story that causes to reader to feel sorry for the protagonist. But I do not believe that this story is depressing or melodramatic, just very serious 90% of the time. Despite its heavy themes, this story also contains just the right amount of light and hopeful moments.

Over all, this is a pretty good story, but in my opinion, this is not the best book of it’s genre. I still found it quite enjoyable and it did keep me up late at night, so I recommend this to readers ages 15 and above. I give this book a 4/5.