Six undeniable truths about book lovers


I prefer reading then going to a lame social gathering. I prefer romantic relationships in novels compared to having one in my real life. I prefer living in the lives of characters in novels than my own, at times. After admitting the truth: my own little world consists of paperback romantic novels and my dreams are based on those characters in those paperbacks, I have come to six undeniable conclusions about being a book lover:

1. We love the smell of new books. 


2. Any piece of paper in near reach becomes a bookmark.


3. We always love the book more than the movie.


 4. You always want to know what the person next to you in the library or at Starbucks is reading.


5. Unintentionally falling asleep while reading in the mid hours between sunset to sunrise.


6. Wanting to live in a bookstore. Story of my life. 
