Unconventional ice cube tray uses


There are many handy uses for ice cube trays especially when it is summer. Instead of making ice cubes you can put the trays to several other uses. I actually some of these uses and they make my life much easier. From organization to fancy seed bombs the ideas are endless. Try to challenge yourself this summer to find as many uses for ice cube trays as you can!


If you are like me, I’m sure you love to grow your own herbs in your house. In the winter of course you wouldn’t know what to do with them because the don’t flourish as well as they do in the summer. The fix for this is to fill your ice cube trays with olive oil, and the chopped herbs, and then freeze. It’s literally three simple steps, and it will keep your herbs ready to go all year round! This is just one of the many great uses. You are now ready to take on all the great dishes in the world.


This may seem a bit out of the ordinary, but trust me it keeps your little earrings from getting lost all over the house. Particularly your stud earrings! Due to the fact that there are different compartments it allows you to see all your earrings clearly, without you having to dig through a pile of them. On those school mornings finding a pair of earrings won’t be a hassle, and no one has to know you store your jewellery in a ice cube tray. Not only with this idea keep you from getting late; you can also stack the ice cube trays to optimize your space.


I’m sure after you learn how to make seed bombs you wouldn’t want to turn to old-school gardening again. Also these seed bombs make great presents for anyone who wants to establish a lovely and flourishing garden. To make seed bombs you will first have to purchase seeds. Scrunch water soaked newspaper into a ball of pulp, add the seeds of your choice inside, allow it to strain through a tea towel, after you pack the seed newspaper pulps into a ice cube tray. You do not freeze them, instead you leave them out to get dried completely. After making one, try another, the shapes are endless!


If you are going on a summer vacation to some place hot I’m sure you want to know this trick. For somewhat instant relief from sunburn, fill an ice cube tray with one part water and one part aloe vera. The aloe can be a store bought gel, or you can take it from a fresh aloe vera plant. Now when you find yourself sunburnt and in pain just pop these babies out and apply to the area. Aloe has many healing properties thus it is ideal to use on sunburns. In addition the cold sensation of it in frozen form will help cool down the burn.

Who knew ice cube trays could be so helpful? Next time you find yourself stuck in a situation think about how ice cube trays might help. Furthermore there are endless ways to use ice cubes trays on the internet, but these are just a few ways which I found were most unique and creative. Challenge yourself and make your ice cube trays serve a purpose other than just making ice. Do you already use your ice cube trays other ways? What will you do next?