Ultimate Guide to Style: How to Find your Perfect Look



“I used to wear a lot of plaid and I had no idea how to accessorize. My mom was embarrassed to be seen with me in public and my friends would call my plaid shirts, hobo shirts. It was sad… until Seventeen Ultimate Guide to Style came around and changed my life.”

-(Real testimonial) Me

^I wasn’t exaggerating. My friends actually said I dressed like a homeless person. But good thing for me, that’s changed now. I dress like a classy homeless person (I still wear a lot of plaid, I just accessorize better… ish).

Okay so anyways, I’m just going to give an overview of what this book talks about and then I’ll be writing separate blogs for each of the six distinct looks: girly, edgy, boho, classic, glam, and indie (so stay tuned). It’s helpful because each chapter contains the “must-have items” of that particular style, names of stores where you can get certain articles of clothing, examples of how to mix and match it worn by real girls (on the runway, real-life street style, or red carpet) and an example celebrity with that style. For example, the boho style analyzes Vanessa Hudgens’ way of dressing it up.








If you’re fashion impaired, this book will help -serious face-. My upcoming blogs on these six different styles might do the trick :P. You don’t have to specifically follow a certain style. In fact, by trying stuff from each style and adding in your own flare, you broaden your creativity and originality; let your style be a direct representation of who YOU are. And to top it off, as long as you look confident in what you wear, then you’re pretty much set. Walk with good posture, head up, look ahead, and you’ll rock your outfit.

Remember — there are still more blogs to come ;D