Uh Oh… Exams Are Looming!


You all knew it was coming up, but hadn’t dared to peek around the corner, am I right?  To save you from stress, we have a few things to make preparation easy.

First off, here’s a link back to my original article on good study habits. This’ll be the biggest help.

Next, some great studying music!  Emancipator makes great instrumental, slow-beat songs that, played on low volume, make great background music for studying. Here’s a link for just the music player (no other distractions!) and here’s one to his website.

Eat some chocolate. I can tell your eyes just lit up there, but it’s true; cacao, the chocolate plant, has repeatedly shown in studies to increase blood flow to certain areas of the brain, boosting your cognitive abilities. Even so, this is just cacao, not the entire Mr. Big you just picked up. To really get some effect, you’ll have to eat a bar (or a piece) of pure dark chocolate, with a cacao content of around 80% or higher. You probably won’t enjoy it because it’ll be all bitter and no sweet, but a bite before you dig into your notes can’t hurt.

^Don’t let this scare you!^

Start preparing now, and save yourself a whole lot of stress in a month!