Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; April’s stargazing extravaganza


moonThe last few weeks of April will have the skies treat us to a heavenly experience. Complete with a meteor shower and a lunar eclipse, make sure to gaze at the sky in the days to come.

Total Lunar Eclipse:

This rare lunar eclipse showcased a red-moon below Mars on the evening of April 14. It is believed to say that the eclipse, sometimes referred to as the Blood Moon due to its unique redish tinge, peaked at around 3:45 a.m. in Calgary. The red appearance of the moon is caused by the reflection of sunsets and sunrises around the globe.

The Red Planet:

During the eclipse, Mars will be the closest to Earth in six years. The red planet can be distinguished by its distinct red hue, but is distinct from a star due to its lack of shimmering.

Lyrid Meteor Shower:

From April 16 to 25, the skies will treat us again with the annual Lyrid meteor shower. One of the oldest meteor showers, the Lyrid meteor shower will commence from the Lyra the Harp constellation. This particular meteor shower can be best viewed in the Northern Hemisphere. For optimal viewing, no fancy equipment is required, just a dark sky.