What makes a movie “good”? (AKA Trolling Twilight)


I really don’t get it. Sure, a movie can have a horrible plot, and all the same, be fun to watch (even just to jeer at). If this weren’t true, why would the Twilight series have so much box office success? Badum ting! (Pantomime drum and crash cymbal)

But all the same, movie critics are HARSH. Their expectations are sky high, and it is truly difficult to see a score above 3.5 out of 5 stars with them critics. They look for astonishing plot that does justice to the movie’s genre, moving images, the realism and connection to the characters, the quality of the acting, how and where the movie was filmed… so on and so forth.

I’d like to think that the critics just nitpick too much. I think a movie is great if it can be enjoyed by you, your friends, family…anyone who watches it, regardless of how well it does in the box office or what rating it receives. Chick flicks are often predictable, silly, and utterly ridiculous – yet they are fun to watch nevertheless. It doesn’t have to be deep, insightful, or even interesting. After all, bad movies make for excellent parodies: check out this old Twilight parody by nigahiga!

Because I’m such a fan of Twilight (cough cough), I’m going to give it a score, based on MY guidelines of a good movie.

Comments Score out of 5
Plot Girl is attracted to Mr. Perfect-In-Every-Way Vampire dude. Eventually fall in love. Everyone but the bad guys survive. Hooray. 5/5 – The plot is bland and predictable. Perfect for haters to rage at. Also perfect for fan girls because they can pretend they are Bella and swoon over their fantasies.
Characters Bella has a whiny, weak personality that attracts a century old, glittering vampire. Said vampire is overly angst-y, and hates his own nature. It’s a beautiful combination of pathetic human and overprotective vampire. Sigh… 5/5 – Every glance Bella takes at Edward is hilarious; she looks at him like I would look at a 5 layered cake. I hope the “lamb” and the “lion” don’t make a chimera…too late. Breaking Dawn, coming soon. The birth of the half-vampire baby!
Genre Comedy 5/5 – Honestly? Horror/Romance? No way. This movie cracks me up too much to be considered horror.
Ability to be enjoyed with friends and family If you love laughing at tragically pathetic characters and exaggerated angst, then you will have a blast. If you are a fan-girl, there are lots of shots of Robert Pattinson. Enjoy. 5/5 – Whether you are against or in love with sparkly “perfect characters” like Edward, this movie truly brings people together…whether in love or hate, that is up to you guys to decide.

By my standards, Twilight is a “great” movie that everyone will love!

(Honestly, it should have been a comedy.)



  1. Aha great points. Even if Twilight isn’t necessary good at what it sets out to accomplish, you got to admit it creates one of the funnest theater experiences ever.

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