With Captain Marvel Being released just a few days ago, and Avengers: Endgame being just around the corner, I thought it would be fitting to take a look at the top five Marvel Movies that have been released.
5. Captain America: Civil War

All three Captain America movies were massive successes, but I chose this one to kick off the list because of how intriguing the whole film was. The plot of Civil War is something that has been alluded to as early as the first Avengers movie, and to finally see Cap and Iron Man fight was quiet unique and intense.
4. Avengers: Infinity War

Infinity War is on this list for similar reasons to Civil War it was a very exciting film to watch as we got to see so many beloved characters, each with their own well developed backstory come together in one film. However, the reason its not higher up on the list is because I feel like the characters could have been managed a bit better. Overall, still a great addition to the MCU.
3. Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange is good for a variety of reasons, the first, and biggest reason, is how well it managed to show Stephan Strange’s transition from a narcissistic surgeon, to a selfless hero. Another reason why I put this so high is because of the breathtaking visual effects, this movie, in my opinion, has the best visual effects of all of the MCU films.
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The Winter Soldier is at the top of a lot of Marvel lists, and for good reason, this movie has it all. A spy espionage movie with a superhero twist is not what anyone was expecting, but at the end, no one was complaining. This movie was so well done, it introduced lasting stakes within the MCU, and also set a foundation for Cap and Bucky’s relationship. This is easily one of the best MCU movies.
1. The Avengers

The end off the list, I had to give The Avengers the top spot. I have watched this movies countless times, and every time I watch it, it feels like I’m watching it for the first time. This is the movie that paved a path for the MCU and this is the movie that makes the MCU what it is today. Toss in a love able villain, and a set up for what is the worlds biggest crossover to date, and you have the best MCU film.